How to avoid the risk of fire occurring due to the use of fireworks:

Fire SafetyNews

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Never leave curtains, plastic sheets, brooms, paper or plastic containers, rugs, clothes hanging, or any combustible material on the balconies; remove all combustible materials from balconies and terraces that could be ignited by a neighbor’s firecracker.

Never direct fires towards balconies, windows, trash cans, cars, Christmas decorations.

Never place fireworks near inhabited areas or where straw, wheat, barns or woods are stored. In the case of wind, avoid firing those rockets and never throw them against the wind . Never light the fires inside the apartments, never on the balconies and never near other houses or cars.

Do not turn pyrotechnic items near homes, people and places at risk of fire. Do not use in case of wind! The fireworks must be at a certain distance from the spectators (if positioned on the ground not less than 15 meters, if with a rocket system not less than 30 m from the firing area), in order to avoid possible accidents.

How to keep them:

Away from heat sources, open flames, moisture, away from flammable substances or combustible materials In safe and dry places, keep them in metal cabinets, possibly earthed electrically, in small quantities, never in wooden cabinets, never in plastic containers either because they are combustible or because of the risk of electrostatic charges.

Also avoid cluttering all fires in a confined space, always use well-ventilated and separate spaces from where people stop.

Never keep pyrotechnic items in your pocket, bags, or use cardboard boxes or bags instead.The destruction of black powder-based fires, such as fireworks, can occur by drowning in water, so as to dissolve the salts making up the pyrotechnic mixture, for a sufficient time and in any case at least an hour for free-sale fires , the operation is efficient if the casings are made of paper or cardboard, it is not guaranteed if they are made of plastic.

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